How To Write A Perfect Blog Post?

Have you been writing blog posts for a while and not getting the results that you wanted?

Does your blog seems like a lonely place to hang out and your blog has no fans?

If yes, then it’s actually a thing to worry about, and there is something wrong you might be doing with your blog posts.

Well Don’t worry, I’ve been there too, When I got started with blogging, I also didn’t knew how to write amazing content, heck I didn’t even knew the basics back then.

But with time I’ve became good at the skill of writing Content which my readers loves.

Before we begin, its first important to understand what is a Good Blog post.

What is a Perfect Blog Post?

My definition of a Perfect blog post would be:

  • A blog post that solves my reader’s problem in one go so that they won’t have to look for another resource, article or video after reading my content.
  • Giving them the information they are looking for As quick as possible.
  • A blog post that is interesting to read and which keeps them engaged.
  • A blog post that doesn’t waste my reader’s time.

That’s what a Perfect blog post is to me.

And in this blog post you’re going to learn the same step by step process that I follow to craft an awesome blog article.

Use These Hacks To Write A Ultimate Guide For Your Blog!

So for writing a good blog post, you need to follow some of the basic yet effective rules of writing that all the professional Bloggers follow.

So Let me show you what are they.

Step 1 – Research The Topic That You Are Going to Write

This is the very first step of writing a blog article, you should know what to write before you even start writing.

If you already have a topic that you are going to write about then we’ll and good, but most people don’t have it in the first place.

Here are some of the places to get inspiration for your next blog post.

  1. Quora – Quora is a goldmine for bloggers, it’s a question and answer platform whey you can find lots of questions related to your niche, find the questions that are been asked the most (Burning hot questions), the topic which people care about the most in your niche and create a blog post for it.
  2. Facebook Groups – There are Facebook groups related to every different niche and the best part about Facebook groups is that people ask questions, answer questions and share valuable knowledge there, you can find a good Facebook group related to your niche and observe all of the different questions people ask and pick the most common ones and create a blog post for each one of the question.
  3. Reddit – Reddit is the place where you can find the most trending and hot topics related to your niche.
  4. YouTube – YouTube can’t be ignored when it comes to getting ideas for our blog posts, there are YouTubers, YouTube Channels Related to any of the different niches you can think of, and you can get ideas for your next blog post from those youtube channels easily.
  5. Ai Tools: Now Ai is the most powerful tool to give us a Complete guide in any field so you can try ai tools and understand the writing style. Heres I’m not saying to copy paste from the Ai tools I just said Just understand The Blog and the article style.

After you’ve done your research on the topic you want to write about, it’s now time to find out the keywords that people search for related to that topic.

Keywords are the exact phrases that people type in search engines like Google to find the desired content or solutions for their problems.

Why It’s Important to Have a Keywords?

Search engines like Google scan your content for the relevant, related terms and keywords in your article that real people actually search, for providing them the best possible results.

And if your article has keywords and phrases that people search for then your article will be ranked in search engines, this will help you to bring more organic traffic to your blog.

Where Can You Find These Keywords?

Finding keywords is very easy you can use any keyword research tool to find keywords.

Here some the tools that can help you to find keywords.

  1. Ubersuggest
  2. Ahrefs
  3. SEMrush (This is what I prefer because of it’s accuracy)
  4. Google Autosuggest & Related Keywords

Collect 5 – 10 easy to rank keywords, relevant keywords to target in your article and you’ll be good to go.

Here’s how you can find Keywords for your Blog Post with the help of a FREE tool called Ubersuggest.

  1. Go to Ubersuggest and type in the main topic that you want to write about.
  2. Select your target country and search.
  3. It will show all the data metrics related to that keyword like search volume, CPC, Difficulty of that keyword.
  4. So select a main keyword if the keyword has a good search volume and a fair amount of difficulty that you can compete.
  5. Scroll down and you will find many other related keywords related to that keyword.
  6. Copy 8-10 related keywords into your spreadsheet and you will be good to go.

Copy The Main Keyword And The Related Keywords in a Spreadsheet

PRO TIP: Only select keywords that are easy to rank, whose search difficulty is less than 30 or near to 30, don’t go for high difficulty keywords as a beginner you will not be able to compete for those keywords.

Step 3 – Understand The Main Intent Behind The Keyword That You Want to Target

Understanding the intent behind the keyword is very important because it helps us to shape our article for our readers in a better way.

Search intent means finding out why a person is searching for that keyword, what is the intention behind that keyword. and present the best possible Article you can for that query.

There are 4 types of intent and intent, and every keyword has a different intent Behind them.

  1. Informational intent (People looking for some information)
  2. Navigational intent (People Navigating to a website)
  3. commercial intent (People looking for best products)
  4. Transactional intention (People looking to buy something)

Example: If you want to target a keyword How to make money from Blogging then clearly its an informational intent keyword and the searcher is looking for some tips on make Money online through Blogging.

Deliver the best possible solution to that problem, and your article will rank high on search engines and you will get lots of traffic.

PRO TIP: Search the Term on Google and see the top 10 ranking sites and analyze all the content they have written, what they are missing etc, and make a 2X more valuable piece of content than theirs.

Now Moving on to Our Next Step in Writing a Blog Post.

Step 4 – Create a Layout For Your Blog Article

After you have researched your Content, Got your list of keywords, now you should have a pretty good understanding of what your readers want from your article.

Now you should create your own layout of article to deliver the content.

Here’s The Typical Blog Layout of a Blog Post.

Add Intro, Subheadings and conclusion to make your blog post complete.

Structure your Blog Post’s layout according to the research you have done, data that you have collected, create a better version of the content than what’s existing.

Now let’s move on to our next step which is..

Step 5 – Come Up With a Powerful Headline For Your Blog Post

A Powerful Headline is what grabs your readers attention in one go.

A good headline should make your readers stop and make them click through your article.

Some Quick Tips For Crafting Great Headlines

  1. Tease what you’re going to deliver in the article but don’t tell the full story in the title.
  2. Create your titles in such a way that your readers would want to click on it and could never resist reading.
  3. Create curiosity in your reader’s minds so that they would want to know more.
  4. If possible, Add an Odd number to your article it make your title super attractive and clickable.
  5. Adding dates in the article makes your readers think that it’s a fresh article – always put updated date.
  6. The headline should also be short and crisp
  7. You can use a tool like Coschedule Headline Analyzer to check how powerful your headline is, what are the chances of your title for being a success.

Use this tool to measure the effectiveness of your Headline or Title orf your Blog Post.

Featured images are the first thing your readers will notice when they will land on your blog post, and after that they will read the title and then they will decide whether to read further or not.

So it’s very important to create an eye caching featured image.

I use Canva for Creating featured images for my blog posts and it’s absolutely FREE.

Step 7 – Write an Award Winning Introduction

If Your blog post’s introduction manages to win the heart of your blog readers, then they will surely read your full blog post.

Introduction should be short, crisp, to the point and which gives your readers a preview of what they are going to get by reading your article.

Go and read the introduction part of this very blog post you’re reading right now, you will understand why it’s important to have a good introduction.

Tell your readers they have a problem, tell them where they are and what they are going to achieve after reading your entire blog post, that’s the key for writing an awesome introduction.

Step 8 – Write The Content

Content is the most important part your blog post, without it, your headlines, titles, good images, nothing will work.

Everything will go to waste if you don’t have useful content for your readers.

And you might have already heard a popular Quote “Content is the King“.

Do you Remeber the outline creation part?

We will use the same outline for creating content.

Fill out all those subheadings that you have made inside your outline and create a valuable piece of content out of it.

Create 2x more useful and actionable content then your Competitors.

Because at the end of the day we are all competing against someone to get more views to our content.

PRO TIP: Sit down in a quiet environment and write the content, this instant hack will make you more creative while writing your content and you can write much better piece of content in this way.

Step 9 – Make Your Blog Post Appealing to The Eyes of Your Reader

Creating an appealing blog post is an art and those who can master this art can create highly engaging content.

Here are some of the tips that I use to create amazing jaw dropping, Visually appealing content and these tips would make your content extremely scannable.

1. Use short paragraphs

Shorter paragraphs are easier to read as compared to big lengthy block of text.

So you should consider making your paragraphs shorter it will instantly make your article more readable and people will love to read your blog posts.

2. Use bullet Points and Numbering

Bullet points and numbering helps us to make attractive points and list down all the important checklists that we have.

3. Bold, Italic, Underline important words

Bold, Italic, Underline important words within your article to pinpoint important words and phrases, this will help your readers to focus on what’s important.

4. Create visually appealing images

It’s true that one image can say a 1000 words.

Create visually appealing images for your blog posts that will help your readers to understand better what you are explaining.

And if there’s a video that you can embed then make sure you add a video there.

i use Canva for Creating all the images for my blog post

Step 10 – Focus on Quality Not Quantity

Sometimes people think that the more words their blog post has, the better it is for the readers.

Let me bust this myth for you: the more fluff your write in your article the more your readers are likely to bounce off your article.

So only write what’s important and don’t just unnecessarily put in what looks cool which doesn’t add any value to the article.

Even if your article is short but it has to be valuable, crisp and useful to the reader.

Think of it in this way: Your reader is not reading your content because he wants to read content, he’s reading your content because he wants a solution for his problem.

Step 11 – Write in Easily Understandable Language

Write in such a way that even a 5th-grade child should be able to read and understand your content.

People think that having complex jargon and complex words makes their article good, but this is completely wrong.

What’s the point of writing something that only an Oxford scholar can read and understand?

That’s completely wasting your time behind something which will never take off.

So it’s very important to write your content in extremely simple words that everyone who is reading your content can understand.

Step 12 – Insert a Call to Action at The End of Blog Posts

Call to action at the end of blog post

CTA or “call to actions” are the most important element of any blog post you write.

CTA’s encourage your blog readers to take a specific action at the end of your blog post.

CTA’s are usually placed at the end of the blog post so that you can persuade them to take any action.

It could be anything like signing up for your email newsletters or purchasing any product or asking them to take any action.

Step 13 – End With a Strong Conclusion or a Closing Remark

Here’s a conclusion from one of my blog posts

The conclusion sums up your whole blog post and gives your readers a 10,000-foot overview of what they just read in your blog post.

It should be short and to the point which tells your readers what they have learned and what they need to do next.

Step 14 – Proofread Once You Have Written Your Blog Post

Proofreading is the process of reading your blog post to find out all the errors and grammatical mistakes after you have finished writing your article.

there are many online tools which can help you proofread your content.

I use Grammarly for proofreading my Content, it’s an online grammar and punctuation checker tool that helps us to find and correct any errors in our written copy.

Step 15 – Optimize For SEO using RankMath SEO plugin

After you have written your blog post you should Optimize your blog posts for SEO to make sure you get maximum search engine attraction from Google and other search engines.

Search engine traffic is the most valuable traffic for any blog and that’s why we shouldn’t undervalue SEO.

I use a plugin called as the RankMath SEO plugin to make my work easier.

Rankmath SEO helps our WordPress blogs to make our content ON page SEO optimized.

Rankmath has its own predefined checklist that ensures we are on the right path for writing a perfect ON page SEO optimized article.

Step 16 – Add a FAQ Section Below Your Blog Posts

FAQs are the most frequently asked question related to your topic.

We should add these frequently asked questions because it makes our blog article more relevant to the searcher’s query.

And adding FAQs also helps our article for voice search optimization

Where Can You Find These Questions?

There is a great tool called Answer The Public, it shows all the questions and phrases people ask for in the search engines for your entered topic.

Another great tool for finding questions related to your topic is

Use the above mentioned tools for funding questions that you can include in your blog post.Watch this video to learn how to add FAQ schema boxes to your blog posts.

Quick tip: Don’t include more than 4 FAQs in a blog post.

Step 17 – Write Naturally

Many people try to write in someone else’s tone which doesn’t suit them well and later on they end up not writing anymore because they don’t feel like writing.

The main reason behind not feeling like writing anymore is because they write in someone else’s tone which they naturally find difficult to write.

Everyone has their unique style of writing which is different from every individual, and the easiest style that you can write is to Write in your own tone.

When you write in your own tone you will feel like writing more and more without getting frustrated.

  1. Your blog’s font selection should be good and readable so that readers find it more readable.
  2. make sure your blog posts look good on a mobile device too.
  3. Don’t be a perfectionist when it comes to writing blog posts, write what you know, don’t copy others, nobody is perfect in this world, everyone starts from 0, everyone’s first blog posts suck.
  4. Writing good blog posts is an art and you will only get better at it day by day if you practice writing daily and make time for Blogging.
  5. deliver what you promised in the title or subheading, don’t mix the topics, write with clarity.
  6. before you start writing your content, put yourself at the shoes of your target reader and try to understand what are their pain points, what are they struggling with, figure out How can you help them.
  7. After you have finished writing your content, add your content to the relevant category, add tags to your content – it helps to make your article relevant to the searcher’s query.
  8. Use the AIDA Digital Marketing funnel rule (Google it) to write the best content, this will help you to take your readers from the Awareness stage to the Action stage step by step.

Final Words

So that’s How to write a blog post that your readers will love to read.

Moreover, if you continue to deliver valuable posts then over time they will become an advocate for your blog’s content and they will do all sorts of different things for you like sharing your content on social media, linking to your content, and buying from your affiliate links, etc.

Now it’s your turn, go to your blog and create a best piece of content for your readers.

How long does it take to write a blog post

It totally depends upon the topic you are writing about, some topics can be explained in less no of words and some topics takes more words to explain and according to that it takes time more or less.

What should I write a blog post about?

You should write blog posts on topics related to your niche.

How often should you post on Blogs?

It depends on the quality, if you can bring in consistent quality blog posts, then you can post as much as you want.

What is the best platform for Blogging?

WordPress is the most popular and the best platform for blogging.

Thanks For Reading This Guide, I hope now you can understand how you can write a blogpost for you blog, Happy Journey 🙂

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