How To Find A Profitable Niche For Your Blog?

Niche (Topic) is the of the most important Point in the blogging, If you choose a wrong niche then most of the times its give you a lot of pain after spending a lot of money and time.

So In this guide I’ll give you an idea to find out a best niche for blogging.

Before that Let’s understand the basics of Niches.

What is a Broad Market?

A broad market is a category or the Parent market of all the subcategories and niches that falls under it.

For Example: let’s take Health Market as an example.

So Health is a very big Broad thing right? and there are so many Submarkets and niches that falls under that broad market.

Health can be further sub-classified as:

  1. Health (Broad Market)
    1. Fitness (Sub Market)
      1. Fitness for Old age (Niche)
      2. Fitness for Middle age Men (Niche)
      3. Fitness for Moms (Niche)
      4. Fitness for Teenage Girls (Niche)
    2. Weight Loss (Sub Market)
      1. Weight loss for Boys (Niche)
      2. Weight loss for Girls (Niche)
      3. Weight loss for Moms (Niche)
        1. Weight loss diet for moms (Micro Niche)
        2. Weight loss nutrition for moms for fast results (Micro Niche)
      4. Weight loss for Middle age Men (Niche)

So as you can see from the above example that Health is a Broad Market and it can be further classified into its SubmarketsNiches, and MicroNiches.

And basically, there are only a few selected Main Broad Markets about which people care the most.

  1. Health – people care about their health and being fit.
  2. Wealth – people want to make more money
  3. Fashion – People want to look good and be fashionable, be with the latest fashion trend
  4. Relationships – People Want good relationships
  5. Hobby – people want to learn a new hobby
  6. Technology – People want the latest gadgets which can do modern-day tasks easily.
  7. Pets – people want to have cute pets
  8. Where people spend money – people spend money on video games, Netflix, Entertainment, etc.
  9. Self Improvement – people buy self-help books, Self Help courses, people want to learn a new skill and improve themselves.

So it is very important to write about only those things which people care about, and if you write about which people do not care about then no one is going to read your blog.

So all the above Broad Markets are all the broad markets which people care about the most.

What is SubMarket?

Broad Markets Further have submarkets within them.

For Example:

  1. Health (Broad Market)
    1. Diet (Submarket)
    2. Nutrition (Submarket)
    3. Weight loss (Submarket)
    4. Strength training (Submarket)
    5. meditation (Submarket)
    6. yoga (Submarket)
  2. Wealth (Broad Market)
    1. Finance (Submarket)
    2. Investing (Submarket)
    3. Real Estate (Submarket)
    4. Sales (Submarket)
    5. Make Money Online (Submarket)
  3. Relationships (Broad Market)
    1. Dating (Submarket)
    2. Love (Submarket)
    3. Parenting (Submarket)
    4. Relationship Advice (Submarket)

And many people do this huge mistake while starting their blogs, they start a blog on a Broad Market or SubMarket and not a niche and down the road they face disastrous consequences on their Blogs.

And now you might be having the Question in your Mind “What the heck is a niche then?

Don’t worry you will know everything later in this blog post.

So lets now see what is a niche.?

What is a Niche In Blogging?

A niche is a specific product, Interest, or category which has a super targeted specific audience that have similar kind of interest and behavior, and also which falls under a Broad Market or Submarket.

For example people who love watching gameplay of PUBG game are the audience of the PUBG game niche.

Here are the detailed statistics of the PUBG gaming niche

  1. Broad Market = Gaming
  2. Sub Market = Mobile Gaming
  3. Niche = FPS Survival Gaming
  4. Micro Niche = PUBG Game

Here PUBG game is a Micro Niche of Gaming Market and it has a specific targeted audience who plays PUBG mobile game and are interested PUBG, and the audience is highly targeted, and can also convert better if you have a blog about PUBG mobile game.

So now I think it’s clear to you what is a Market, SubMarket, Niche, and a Micro Niche.

A Blog which is started on a market Never generates a lot of money despite having a large number of audience. do you know why?

Because the audience of those General topic blogs is not targeted traffic and You cannot turn them into customers. they are just general searchers wanting some information.

And in a Niche or a MicroNiche Blog, the audience is super specific and They also convert better, MicroNiches and Niche Blogs are blog topics that make the most money, and you should also start a blog in a Niche or a Micro Niche to see better and Fast Results.

Let’s Understand This With a Real-Life Example

Let’s say you want to buy a Sports shoe and you’re a girl (Assume for Now) and if you go to a market then you see lots of Shoe Shops in that market right?

But you will only go to the girl’s shoe shop and buy a sports shoe for girls instead of wasting your time on general shoe shops which doesn’t have items specific for girls right?

That’s how the audience of a particular Niche behaves, that’s how your visitors are going to come to your Blog, That’s how visitors will become customers into your blog.

Because the truth is that people never trust Generic or General Blogs that have Content around every different topic under the sun.

People want content that is specifically tailored for them, and that’s why people love reading niche blogs, and Niche Blogs are the Blogs that convert better as people trust the niche author and will buy anything on the author’s recommendation.

So that’s why you should start a blog in a Niche or a MicroNiche, Not on a Market or a Submarket.

And you might have already heard that popular saying “The Riches are in the niches”

Why Having a Niche For Blog is Important?

Having a niche for your blog is very crucial for your blog’s success because, if you don’t do this then your blog will never take off.

Advantages of a Niche Blog

  1. Highly Targeted Traffic
  2. You can Easily generate affiliate sales from that traffic and make a lot of money
  3. you can build those traffic into your community of highly engaged fans.

Here are some of the negative effects of not choosing a blog niche.

  1. Your blog readers will never like to read your posts because of you cover general topics and not specific topics.
  2. Your posts will never rank on search engines as Google prefers niche blogs.
  3. You will never attract a particular audience, they will never convert into buyers or affiliate sales, and you can’t build a community in this way.
  4. Your Blogs traffic will never go high, traffic will not increase.
  5. Chances are that your blog will not survive because you might start a blog on a broad market and competition will be too high for you.

Sure there are some blogs who are doing extremely well in Broad Markets also but understand those are pretty big sites which are not operated by a single person, and due to the authority of those sites they get the benefit of ranking despite being in a multi Niche or broad niche.

So now let’s go through the process of Finding a Niche for your Blog.

How to Find a Niche For Your Blog?

There are various ways to find a niche for a blog, but sadly most of them are not up to the mark and useless.

But luckily you are reading this post, and I’m going to share my best way of finding a niche for your blog.

So here’s a step by step breakdown of finding a niche for your blog.

Step 1: Make a List of All The Markets You Are Interested in a Mind Mapping Tool.

I Prefer MindMeister for creating Mind Maps, you can use this tool and can create 3 mind maps for FREE.

So Write down all the broad Markets your are interested in like Gaming, Sports, Music, Technology etc in your mind map, you can also use a spreadsheet or even a simple pen and paper will do the work, write down anywhere you want.

After you have created a MindMap and wrote down all the Broad Markets you are interested in, let’s find their submarkets niches and Micro Niches related to them.

After doing the above process, eliminate all the Broad Markets in which you are not interested in, so that you will be only Left with the Markets you are genuinely interested in.

Step 2: Further Jot Down Deeper and Deeper Into Broad Markets

After that again Jot down deeper into the Submarkets, Niche, Microniches of those Broad Markets in which you are genuinely interested in.

And you can dig down as deep as you want, as narrow, as niche specific as you want to find your niche or Micro Niche.

So here in the mindmap, the bubbles in the orange color are the extremely niched down niches, sure they can be further niched down, but I’ve kept it short for your understanding.

And Black colored bubbles are all the Broad Markets.

So by far, we have seen how to narrow down on a broad market to find niches.

And from all the niches that you have researched, select One niche that you would like to work in the most, the niche that Fascinates or attracts you the most, You don’t need to be an expert in a niche to get started or write in that niche, with the time you will get better and build your authority.

  1. Go with the niche that you are most passionate about or want to learn more about.
  2. Don’t just go with any niche just because it has earning potential, without your passion your niche is nothing.

Ok, I assume that by now you might have your selected your niche, now let’s find out if your selected niche is profitable or not.

Some Additional Tips For Finding a Niche

  1. Find a niche that you can work for the long term, Don’t start a blog whose trend is only for 6 to 8 months and then it will never exist, create a Longterm Evergreen Blog which people will find useful for the long term even up to 10 years.
  2. Deliver value More than your competitors in that Niche.
  3. The Perfect Niche is your Own Interest.
  4. If there is a niche within a niche then that is the perfect niche, and later on you write blog posts on different categories within one niche blog, but at the initial level start at only one category in any niche.
  5. Work on Niches which falls under Passion, Lifestyle or Problem Broad Market because people spend the most money on these Markets and Niches.
  6. Find Niches at Web directories, Forums, Quora and – these are the places where you also find some of the untapped niches.
  7. You can also use different affiliate networks to find Lots of Niches.
  8. Understand the needs and demands of your niche audience, keyword research will help you achieve that.

Once we have selected the niche of our blog, now let’s find if your selected niche is Profitable or not, because you don’t just want to blog without making money right?

How to Check The Profitability of Your Blog’s Niche?

So here’s a complete breakdown of Checking the Profitability of a niche, this step is very important to check whether your selected niche is worthwhile and to check whether it can make money or not.

Step 1: Check if Enough People Spend Money on that Niche

You can do a profitability check of your niche by checking if enough people are spending money on that niche.

If there are products, services, courses around your niches that means people spend money on those niches and that’s a positive sign for us because this shows that people are ready to spend money on those niches, and we can capitalize on the opportunity and make money.

Example: Weight loss blog vs Quotes Blog

Weight loss Blog will make money while the Quotes blog will never make as much money as Weight loss blog do you know why?

Because no one buys Quotes or SMS, on the other hand, people buy weight loss products, etc, so on a weight loss blog, money can be made by selling your affiliate products.

If people spending money on niche only then you can make money.

So its very important to check the commercial intent of the niche we are going to start a blog on.

Here’s what you have to look for to see if people spend money on that niche.

  1. Check if there are enough products existing ( any products i.e supplements, clothes, bags, books, etc) related to your niche which people buy.
  2. See amazon books related to your niche.
  3. Check Udemy courses related to your niche.
  4. See if there are enough products which people buy in your niche.
  5. Check to see if enough people are searching for your niche keywords using any keyword research tool.

Ebooks related to weight loss niche shows this niche has buyer intentUdemy courses related to weight loss niche shows the buyer intent

So that’s how you can check the profitability of your niche.

Step 2: Check the Trend of That niche

Checking the trend of your niche is a very important step while choosing a blog’s niche.

Here’s how you can check the trend of your niche.

  1. Go to Google Trends and check the Trend
  2. See the graph of the past 5 years
  3. If the graph tends to go up or is at least constant (neither going up or down) then it’s a good sign that its an evergreen niche

Let me show you the practical example of some of the Trend graphs of some of the niches.

Here’s the trend graph for Affiliate Marketing Niche for the past 1 year

Here’s the trend Graph for Digital Marketing Niche for the past 5 years

Here’s the Google Trend Graph of Electric cars for the past 5 years

So the main idea here is to choose something that’s growing in popularity, because you don’t want to blog about something that no one cares about, and about which no one searches for.

Step 3: Check if Enough People are Searching for Your Niche

For doing this You will need a Keyword research tool, to find the search volume of the keywords or the niches you are interested in.

Any keyword research tool like Ahrefs, Semrush, Ubersuggest will do the job, For now, I will be using Ubersuggest for showing you the search volume and CPC of the niches.

Here are the search volume and the CPC of the Niche keto diet for weight loss.

As you can see from the above image that it has a decent amount of people searching for that niche per month.

6,600 people are searching for the term”Keto Diet” on Google every single month on USA.

And it has got good CPC also that means advertisers are willing to pay for that niche that means the commercial intent of that niche is good and we can make money in that niche.

This means that the Keto Diet for Weight Loss is a good Niche to go with.

You can do this process for any niche that you are interested in to check the search volume and CPC of that niche.

The higher the search volume, CPC the better it is for you, but remember it should be a Niche or a Micro niche and not a Broad Niche.

Step 4: Check if There are Enough Affiliate Programs in Your Niche

If there are enough affiliate programs in your niche then it’s a good signal, you can make good money in that niche.

You can join lots of affiliate programs and sell affiliate products on your blog.

If your selected niche has very limited affiliate products then try to avoid that Niche.

Here are some of the affiliate networks you can join and check if they have products related to your niche.

  1. Rakuten
  2. MaxBounty
  3. Commission Junction
  4. Impact
  5. Click Bank
  6. Flex Offers
  7. Admitad
  8. VCommission
  9. ShareASale
  10. Jvzoo
  11. Amazon Affiliate
  12. Flipkart Affiliate

Pro Tip: Affiliate Networks can also be used to find Lots of different Niches, Affiliate networks are a gold mine of Niches.

Step 5: Do the Competitor Analysis of Your Niche

It would be a mistake if you didn’t check the competition of your niche or say with whom your blog will be competing with.

Because you don’t want to be Competing against big giant Blogs whom you will never be able to outrank as a newbie blogger right?

But Competition in any niche is always a good sign, if there’s competition then this is a good sign, Competition shows that there is money to be made that’s why people are going after that niche.

No competition = No money.

But it shouldn’t be too high that you couldn’t compete against them.

So here’s a method of checking the Competition of your niche.

  • #1: Install a Chrome Extension named MOZ bar on your Google chrome Desktop Browser
  • #2: Sign up for a Moz account and activate MOZbar
  • #3: Search for your niche term on GoogleI have searched keto meal plan for nursing mothers on google
  • #4: Record and see what types of websites are ranking on google for your niche term, record their DA and PA by using Mozbar.
  • #5: If the sites with the DA, PA more than 40 or 50 are at page 1 of google then better to leave that niche, because usually those sites which have DA, PA more than 40, 50 are big sites and you will not be able to compete with them as a newbie blogger.
  • #6: If big websites are ranking whose DA, PA is high are on the first page of google but if they have irrelevant content ( not related to what you searched for ), then it’s a positive signal that it’s a low competition Niche.
  • #7: If Small Websites with DA, PA less than 40 are ranking on the first page (Doing Well) of Google then obviously its a positive signal that its a low competition niche and you can work on that niche as a’s an example of low competition websites or weaker websites and low DA, PA means that you will be able to outrank them easily with Quality content and Hardwork.
  • #8: If there are plenty of easy to find, easy to rank keywords in your niche then it’s a good Niche.

If people are linking to the type of blogs Niches or similar type of blogs that you want to create then its a good sign and this shows that good backlink can be made on this type of website.

see the number of referring domains those websites have, if they have a good number of referring domains then its a good sign.

you can use any tool like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, SEMrush for checking all the backlinks of different blogs of your niche.

Step 7: Check the Sale Potential

Check the sale potential of your blog niche by searching for any buyer intent terms which include best, buy, cheap, etc related to your niche.

If you searched and found that there are articles, Reviews, Deals ranking on google for those buyer intent keywords, then that is a good niche because people are surely making affiliate incomes from those articles.

Example: if I search Best Smartphone Under $500 on google, and found search results containing reviews, List Posts, and blog articles then it’s a good sign, it shows that people are making Affiliate income from those articles, you can also make money on that niche.

So this is how you can do all the above-mentioned steps to check the Profitability of your Blog’s Niche.

Do all of the above-mentioned procedures for all of the Niches or micro niches you have shortlisted and Choose only One from all of the shortlisted niches which you think will be most suitable for you.

Now the next step is to check the sustainability of your niche.

How to Check The Sustainability of Your Blog’s Niche?

Do you know that choosing the wrong Niche can completely destroy your blog and you may face a big loss for your blog?

That’s why choosing the absolute perfect Niche is Most important.

And doing a Sustainability test will determine if the Niche that you just selected in the above Process is right for you or not.

So here’s how you can do a sustainability test, or say if your blog will survive or not for the next 1 or 2 years.

#1: Ask yourself, are you genuinely interested in that niche, or are you just choosing that niche just because that niche generates money?

If you are just choosing a niche out of Earning potential and if you have no interest in that niche then you will soon leave that niche because of lack of interest.

But if you are genuinely interested in that niche and if you are will to learn what it takes to make your blog a really successful blog and helpful for your readers then you will definitely succeed in that blogging Blogging Niche that you selected.

#2: Ask Yourself Can You Write 50 – 100 Articles on your blog Niche without any expectation from your Blog?

Can you write 50 – 100 articles on your Blog’s Niche without any expectation?

If the answer is Yes, then go for that niche, because people sometimes choose a niche just by seeing other people, and later on they realize that it was a wrong niche for them and can’t write any articles on that niche.

Just go with the Niche that you are interested in the most and can write about it selflessly to provide value to the community.

#3: Check if there are enough people Searching for your Niche

We have already discussed this in the above paragraphs about how to check the search volume for your niche terms.

And if there are enough people searching for your niche in Google and other search engines then its a good sign and you yourself will be motivated enough to start a blog in that Niche.

Nobody wants to start a blog that nobody searches for right? and people will obviously not visit on your blog if your Blog Niche terms don’t have enough search volume.

#4: Check how people have monetized their blogs on the niche that you have selected.

Go to the blogs that are in your niche, Now you may ask how to find blogs in your niche?

it’s simple, you can find them by just simply entering your niche term on google and it will show all the blogs related to your niche.

Now record all of them on a Spreadsheet (Only record the worthy websites which are good), and one by one visit all of the blogs and observe how they have monetized their blogs. is its affiliate links, is it manner ads, find out how they are monetizing their Blogs.

If you find the number of ways people monetize their blogs to be more than 2 then it’s a good sign that people are making good money in that niche, and you should also start working on that niche.


So that is how to find a niche for your blog, do all of the above processes for finding a niche and you will Surely and definitely find a Niche that’s profitable and you will also love to write blog posts on that Niche.

What Topic is Best For Blogging?

It all depends on you, What you are interested in the most is the best niche for blogging.

Which Blog Niche Makes the most Money?

Niches that solve people’s problems in some or the other way are the best Profitable niches and those and those are the types of blog niches that make the most money.

Do you even need a niche for your blog?

Yes definitely you should have a Niche for your blog otherwise your blog will lose its essence of authoritativeness.

Where can I Find Profitable Blog Niches?

You can Find Profitable Blog niches at Affiliate Marketplaces, Amazon Marketplace, Quora,, etc.

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