MailerLite Review: Is The Best Budget Friendly Email Marketing Tool?

Email Marketing tool is one of the most important tools for building an email list, it helps you to build trust with your email subscribers and also helps you to carry out complex email marketing tasks like automation and other stuffs.

Without an email marketing tool, building and growing an email list is almost impossible and I cannot think of how I would have managed to handle my email lists with Great email marketing software.

So today in this Mailerlite Review we are going to have a look at one of the best Email marketing tools out there known as Mailerlite.

So let’s get started.

MailerLite Review

– Sahitya Porwal



If you’re looking for a great email marketing tool For your business then you can consider mailerLite.


Introduction To Mailerlite Email Marketing Tool

Mailerlite is one of the many Email Marketing software that helps you to send, automate and carry out complex Email automation tasks with ease.

I’ve been using Mailerlite since the beginning of my blogging endeavors and I must say it’s a pretty decent Email Marketing software.

Although I’ve not yet purchased their Pro plans yet but I’m good with their Free plans as my email subscribers list is not very big either.

Even though Mailerlite is not a renowned Email Marketing Tool among Internet marketers but still It has managed to deliver all the tools that an Internet Marketer will ever need in their email marketing tool.

The best thing about Mailerlite Email marketing tools is it’s forever FREE plan, Most beginner marketers don’t have money to spend in a costly email marketing tool, but that problem is completely eliminated with the FREE Plan of Mailerlite email marketing tool.

Pros and Cons Of Mailerlite

So now let’s discuss about the Pros and Cons Of Mailerlite Email Marketing Tool, what I find Good and What I Found Bad about this tool.


Has a Forever FREE plan in which you can build a list of up to 1000 subscribers and send 12000 emails per month. and most beginner marketers can benefit from this

Has all the features of an advanced Email Marketing Tool that you will ever need

Mailerlite also offers 14 days Free trial to premium features such as priority support, Premium newsletter templates, custom domains, auto resend, delivery by time zone, and many more.

Mailerlite also offers some addons that can improve your email marketing campaigns like SuitesPRO, Mailerlite PRO, and Dedicated IP. we will discuss these features in detail below

Mailerlite newsletter sends weekly tutorials and tips to improve the deliverability of your email, and also they have a youtube channel where they educate their customers on how to use their tool and get the most out of it.

The pricing plans are very affordable for all business sizes, even for a newbie marketer.

The Mailerlite dashboard has a clean design with intuitive and advanced functionality.

The support mechanism and the support staffs are super responsive. Even if you have a FREE plan they reach out to you within an hour if you put up a support ticket.

Mailerlite also has a super-comprehensive Knowledge base that you can use if you ever need to find something about the tool.

Mailerlite also has a blog that keeps you updated with the latest email marketing trends in the industry

Mailerlite has also recently launched their FREE academy where they teach FREE email Marketing through their courses.


  • In Free Plan – Sometimes emails do not get delivered in the primary tab, and the users have to find the email in the Promotions tab, Pro version might have better deliverability.
  • The free plan has Mailerlite branding that you can’t remove unless you have a pro plan.

Mailerlite Support

Mailerlite has a very responsive support and they never take their customer for granted. I use the Mailerlite FREE plan but still they manage to reply within a day when I raise a support ticket at Mailerlite.

here are the screenshots of my support ticket with mailerlite.

As you can see, as I am a Free plan user the support response is a little bit delayed nut if you buy a Premium plan of Mailerlite then you can get priority support with live chat feature.

Mailerlite Features

Mailerlite has a Super minimalist dashboard that’s easy to use and understand.

mailerlite features

Here are all the features of Mailerlite Email Marketing Tool

SupportPremium PlansFree Plan
Knowledge base
Video Tutorials
Email Support 24/7
Live Chat Support
Mailerlite Pro$100/month
Email campaignsPremium PlansFree Plan
Drag & drop editor
Rich text editor
Built-in photo editing
File manager
Mobile-friendly email newsletters
Remove Mailerlite Logo
Custom HTML editor
Newsletter templates
Grow SubscribersPremium PlansFree Plan
Landing pages
Embedded signup forms
Pop-up subscribe forms
Subscriber management
Unsubscribe page builder
Use Custom Domains
Promotion pop-ups
DeliverPremium PlansFree Plan
Email automation
Advanced segmentation
Interest groups (tagging)
RSS campaigns
A/B testing
Auto Resend
Deliver By Time Zone
Dedicated IP
Track ResultsPremium PlansFree Plan
Email campaign reports
Click maps
Open By Location
Account managementPremium PlansFree Plan
Domain authentication
Multi-user accounts
User permissions
ConnectPremium PlansFree Plan
Landing pagesPremium PlansFree Plan
Free Website
Free 5 Landing Pages
Unlimited Websites and Landing Pages$10/Month$10/Month
Unlimited Traffic
25+ Customizable Templates
SSL Encryption
GDPR Compliance
Double Optin
Survey and Quiz
Mailerlite Popups Integration
Custom Code Injection
Mobile Optimized Landing Pages
Customizable Favicon
Create Templates
A/B Split Testing
Unlimited Domains
Additional Analytics: Click Heatmap

Mailerlite Additionally offer some Addons that you can avail by paying a little extra that’s gonna help you with your email marketing Endeavours.

Mailerlite Plugin

Mailerlite also has a plugin that you can install on your WordPress website, It allows you to Embed Email Popups and Custom HTML email sign up boxes that you create on Mailerlite dashboard.

No need to install any other extra plugin, Mailerlite plugin has everything inside it that you will ever need in your WordPress website to collect emails.

Just create a Popup or an Email opt-in form at Mailerlite dashboard and paste the code where you want the Signup form to appear, and rest The Plugin will do the work.

Mailerlite Knowledge Base

Mailerlite has a super comprehensive library of Knowledge base where you can find helpful information regarding the Mailerlite email marketing tool.

You can visit the Mailerlite Knowledge Base by clicking on the below link.

Mailerlite Official YouTube Channel

Mailerlite also has a YouTube channel where they regularly upload helpful tutorial video related to EMail Marketing and how to use the Mailerlite Email Marketing Tool.

Below is a video from the Official Mailerlite YouTube Channel.

Mailerlite Pricing

Mailerlite’s Pricing plans are pretty flexible and is very affordable for all Businesses small to medium to large sized enterprises.

Heck Mailerlite even has a FREE plan for newbie email marketers who wanna learn and grow along along the way which offers most of the essential Email marketing features for absolutely FREE and doesn’t even charge you a penny for that.

Here are the Pricing Plans for Mailerlite Email Marketing Tool

SubscribersEmails / MonthMonthly Cost
1 – 1,00012,000FREE
1 – 1,000Unlimited$10
1,001 – 2,500Unlimited$15
2,501 – 5,000Unlimited$30
5,001 – 10,000Unlimited$50
CustomUnlimitedCustom Pricing

Conclusion Of Mailerlite Review

So that was all about Mailerlite Email Marketing Tool. Mailerlite is a great Email Marketing Tool equipped with all the features that an email marketer will ever need to build grow and thrive and Email List.

With that being Said, If you’re looking for the best Email Marketing tool with great deliverability and all the advanced features, then go with Convertkit, That’s what Most Internet Marketers use these days.

Do Mailerlite have a FREE Plan?

Yes Mailerlite do have a FREE plan in which you can build a list up to 1000 email subscribers and can send up to 12000 emails per month. If you ever need more than 12000 emails per month then you can also upgrade to Premium Plan to Upgrade the Subscribers and emails limit.

Do Mailerlite Offer and Money Back Guarantee?

No, Mailerlite does not offer any money back guarantee

Do Mailerlite offer any Free Trial to their Premium Plans?

Yes, Mailerlite offers 14 Days Free Trial to all users to test and try their Email Marketing Tool.

Can you Import Subscribers From Previous Email Marketing Tool To Mailerlite?

Yes, Of course you can. Mailerlite has a feature through which you can import all of your email subscribers from your previous email marketing tool to Mailerlite with the click of a button.

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